domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024


He masturbated with joy when he discovered his inspiring muse.
He masturbated madly when he noticed that she
was looking at him out of the corner of her eye.
He masturbated in disbelief when she showed interest in his talk.
He masturbated euphorically the day he kissed her.
He masturbated calmly when she recognized that she loved him.
He masturbated desperately when they first argued.
He masturbated happily when they looked at each other again.
He masturbated passionately remembering their intimate encounters.
He masturbated helplessly when he knew she was sick.
He masturbated cursing God when he knew there was no hope...

When she died, he did not masturbate anymore.
Onanist, but not a necrophile.

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A meta approximation to a Schrödinger's heartbreak.

For a long time, I thought about writing down your effect on me, and the recurrent image was the effect of the Moon over the sea, or Tides. ...